Friday, November 11, 2011

Annual Appeals, Cake Balls, Rolfing, Opportunistic Climbing and The Greatest Compliment of All Time

The title about sums up the beginning of November in New Hampshire for me.
Here are a few musings from the first 11 days of this 11th month of 2011

Annual Appeals.
Children count down days until Christmas with intrigue and excitement. In my late twenties, as a nonprofit consultant, I count down weeks until the sacred ritual of the annual appeal mailing.

In many ways it's just like the twelve days of Christmas, only instead of drummers drumming and maids a milking you have letters writing, collateral material designing and board member signing to sing about.

When you are done your office looks just like the space below the tree after a morning of rapid present opening.

Cake Balls.
Apparently not to be confused with a doughnut hole, especially in front of the local bakery owner who prides herself on her chic french twist to pastries items such as the aforementioned doughnut hol...I mean cake ball. Give me a break, there is a striking visual similarity.

Yesterday, after my pastry guffaw I indulged in a delicious orb shaped, sprinkled colored pastry, delighting in every ounce of it's sugary, buttery goodness.

For those of you who know me peripherally you might gasp reading this because you are accustomed to my dinner spreads including local meats, whole grains and tasty leafy greens. For those of you who have known me a longer thank you for supporting the duality or hypocrisy of my sporadic, somewhat manic passion for doughnut holes, fried pickles and mini snickers.

Obviously follows the rant on cake balls. My body needed a tune up. I have deep gratitude for the long hours it puts in running my business, followed by the pounding, spinning, Utkatasana - ing and throwing to tiny holds marathon it endures while I find balance between work and life. Thank you Kate McPhee for the tune up. If you live near the Mt. Washington Valley you need to check this women out.

Opportunistic Climbing
Love to my husband who took a day off mid-week to chase the last days of rock climbing season with me at Shagg Crag. To ice the cake - AT&T has cell coverage there so I was able to take took work calls between burns. Those are the best days of self-employment EVER.

Finally - The Best Compliment Ever
Just a little plug for a dear friend who I don't see often enough. She left be the best message of all time...

"Sasha, hearing from you is like an ice cream sundae with sprinkles and WAIT are better then that. Hearing from you is's like...I KNOW.
Hearing from you is as good as bacon."

Happy November and Here's to Bacon.

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