Monday, March 22, 2010

Paying to Volunteer?

For almost a decade my personal and professional life has connected with the social sector as a volunteer, a employee and consultant.

Philanthropy and volunteerism were household words during my childhood. Pet charities, interesting board dilemmas and challenging socio-political questions continue to find their way to the dinner table at family gatherings.

My mother and one of her sisters recently approached me to join them on a week long volunteer service trip. My aunt has been on several trips with the organizers of the trip and speaks highly of the work they do across the US and internationally.

I love to travel, I love adventure and at 27 it is due time I put in some quality time with my mother so I dove into the website to learn about the trip and complete my application.

I expected a financial contribution was part of the commitment to participate but never expected to pay $975 for a five-day volunteer program in the U.S.

As a point of contrast I am going to Peru for three weeks the coming summer. I will spend the first week rock climbing, the second volunteering and taking language classes. The entire trip including airfare will cost less then this 5 day volunteer excursion.

So why does it cost $975 to help a community in need in your own country? I know some of the answers to the question having worked in the nonprofit sector but I continue to ask:

Is it worth it for these communities?

Is there a better way to connect professionals and individuals eager to help the less fortunate with opportunities to do good well?

A full assessment of the experience will follow …October 2010.

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