Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Little Over the Winter that Wasn't

I live in the Northeast and learned a long time ago that being grumpy about the weather is an absolute waste of time, wait 24 hours and it will change. Weather in northern New England is also great for many things.

1) Teaching preparedness.

2) Offering ample opportunities to reflect on your love for the first snowfall, a crisp bluebird fall day, a cozy rainy spring afternoon that smells of new growth or an endless summer day long enough to fit in everything you love and still leave time to watch the fireflies come out with a cold beer in hand.

3)Providing enough days perfect for play balanced with enough days to get your work done. Confession...If I lived in Boulder, Co I am not sure I go ever bring myself to go inside and work.

Now that I have affirmed all the great things about living a in northern climate with four distinct seasons - six if you count November Rain and Mud Season, I am giving myself a brief window to say...I am over the winter that wasn't.

Winter 2011 - 2012 will be remembered for unseasonably warm temperatures, almost no snowfall and plenty of wet, slushy matter to go around.

With some quality days of ice climbing behind me and a few less days then I'd like on my teles in the books, I am ready to think about trail running, road riding and rock climbing.
On Thursday (February 23rd just for the reminder) temperatures in North Conway hit the 40's and what's more impressive, that didn't really surprise anyone, including me. Embracing the warm temps, I grabbed my sneaks and microspikes and left the office at 3pm for a long run in the sun. It was glorious, I felt like I was floating along, great tunes in my headphones and spring was just around the corner.
Remember what I said about waiting 24 hours.

Friday afternoon the snowflakes began to fall, they continued through the night and six inches or so of Sierra Cement greeted me as I left for yoga on Saturday morning. I smiled through the day, appreciating winter's last hurra and then last night temperatures dipped and winds howled through till morning.

The sun is shining this morning and the winds have died down some but I can't shake the itch for spring. I looked around the house this morning and the feeling seemed mutual. This is the 11th March Guinness has patiently waited for the sun's strength to grow, the snow to melt and the fields to open up so he can once again play ball for hours without his jacket. As the sun came through our glass slider the wind gave one more howl through the trees, Guinness looked up, one eye open as if to acknowledge the longing for spring we both feel.

For now the porch is full of snow, my bike is still on a trainer in the basement and this morning rather then brave the cold I decided to bake a batch of cinnamon, almond, walnut muffins, pour myself another cup of lady gray and read the New Yorker cover to cover while Guinness follows the morning sun from spot to spot through the living room.

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